Contact Julie/NO SPAM policy

Your privacy is assured by visiting my website. I will not contact you, unless you contact me first and no records other than hit counts, are kept of visitors to my site.
HopeSpringsFarm @
reardonjlee @ (remove spaces...see SPAM notes below!)
Call me: (540)364-9480
(be sure and leave a message with the number and best time to return your call if you get the voice mail)

SPAM NOTE: I hate it, I know you hate it too! My website does NOT collect any information from people that visit it. The only way you'll hear from me in your email inbox, is if you've contacted me first. Spam harvesting machines have unfortunately gotten sophisticated at collecting email addresses from websites I have had to remove mine except listed with spaces or use AT and DOTcom instead of listing it correctly.

Cell phone:....Can you hear me? Can you hear me??? :)Fauquier County does not have a lot of cell towers and the mountains make coverage spotty in the northern end. Therefore I rarely use my cell phone and in fact, cannot even retrieve messages from it so use(540)364-9480.

I serve as a Regional Director for the American Chesapeake Club and as the secretary of the local hunting retriever club, the Rappahannock River Retriever Club which consists of sportsmen and women who enjoy waterfowl hunting with the use of a trained retriever. (Especially a Chesapeake Bay Retriever!)

Find me also on Facebook, visit Hope Springs Farm page for more information on my dogs and horse boarding.

And I occasionally write freelance articles and photograph for several differnt publications.

© 2002 Julie Reardon

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